Elvin Siew Chun Wai takes a trip to Hiroshima

Elvin Siew Chun Wai frequently travels to japan on business tours. This island nation is among the top industrial countries of the world. It is the habit of Elvin Siew Chun Wai that whenever he travels to a specific nation, he also tries to visit places of tourist interest. Japan occupies an important place on the world’s map. All of us know about hiroshima. It is a key city of Japan but it occupies a special place in history.

Hiroshima was the first city that faced the brunt of nuclear weapons. It was the first city to be destroyed by nuclear weapons. Elvin Siew Chun Wai went to the dome that is present in the center of the city to pay his tribute to the dead. You will find peace and silence in the area. Japan is proof to the world that yes even if a country is destroyed by nuclear weapons, it is still possible to develop and grow. The Japanese people are very patriotic and they love their motherland.

After the end of the second world war, Japan declared that it will never fight a war and it also reduced its army. Elvin Siew Chun Wai has declared in his vlog that he will be visiting Nagasaki. It was the second city to be destroyed by the atomic weapons. Elvin has admitted in his vlog that he was amazed to see the simplicity of the Japanese people. Even the Japanese food is so simple and tasty. There are many survivors of that attack who continue to live even today.

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